Welcome to Troy Montana
Nestled in the rugged mountains of northwest Montana, Troy is home to a vibrant community of artists, outdoors-men, entrepreneurs, and those who simply seek an escape from the frenetic pace of modern life. Our eclectic mix of residents makes us hard to define, but exciting to live amongst.
Whether your interests tend towards fishing & hunting, ATVs & snowmobiles, cycling & hiking, or art & community events, you’re certain to find a slice of it in Troy. Come visit our many local attractions, stay for any of our regional events, or consider making your stay more permanent.
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Dear Community,
My name is Mike Lidgett, I am the President of Troys Chamber of Commerce and Recently hired schoolteacher for Troy High School. I love the outdoors, so I moved to Montana to start my semi-retirement life and fell in love with the small town of Troy. It is a wonderful town surrounded by beautiful scenery and good people. It is truly God’s Country.
I started my little business, Get Outdoors and Go, and joined a few organizations to do my part in this small community. I quickly realized that Troy is struggling economically with the loss of mining and timber income. There’s not a lot of high paying job opportunities to boost the economy.
I joined the Chamber of Commerce to have a positive impact on my community, which is why I am presently working on creating a “Summertime Concert Series” which will pull people from surrounding counties to spend their money and build the economy in Troy. The Summertime Concert Series will boost the capital for local businesses and raise money to give back to the community through organizations like Spring Up, 4H Club, Boy scouts and help fund meals on wheels for the elderly, Scholarship for graduating students and funding for local projects.
I’ve Contacted the Troys City Council and they are excited about the opportunity to raise money for community. They have approved setting up a portable stage in Roosevelt Park and storing the stage in a shipping container by the troy maintenance building when not in use. I am looking for 20 or more local companies that will pledge to sponsorship for this event. I am hoping to raise $20,000 to go towards the success of this Project. I will also need letters of support and volunteers to assist with this project.
Our goal is to raise $60,000 for the community by 2027 and every year after.
“Rockin in Roosevelt Park,” is the title we have given to Troy’s summertime concert series. I will be providing you with the information that I have gathered and breaking it down into 3 different phases that will start in 2025.
Booking entertainment is expensive. I have contacted a booking agent to get an idea what are cost would be for a big event. I ask to book the “Fabulous Thunderbirds.” Their big hits in the 80s were “Tuff Enuff” and “Wrap it up”.
There are not a lot of big band names under $10.000. Of course, the more money you spend, the bigger name you get.
Of course, we know there is more that goes into producing a concert. We are grateful for volunteer workers and donated equipment.
The stage and the band for our first big show will cost around $40,000. We are hoping to raise the sum of $20,000 to get us started with our first concert event. We are hoping to bring in $60,000 in revenue from our events by 2027, and every year after, for the community of Troy.
This is how the plan works.
2025, will be our learning year starting with $20.000
- We will have a committed sound and lighting to be donated.
- If in 2025, we do not come close to our financial goal, we repeat Phase one of booking just one band until we can get to Phase two.
- In Phase two we produce two big entertainment events, doubling our profits. If we do not come close to our financial goal, we repeat.
- In Phase three we book three big entertainment events, Tripling our Profits.
The money will continue to grow each year however, we will only be hosting 3 big Events each summer, because of time and the smaller events we want to host for the community.
The Money that is raised from the Summertime concert series will go into Troy’s Chamber of Commerce grant fund. From there it will be granted to Organization, Charities, Scholarships, ETC…
Troys Old Fashion 4th of July brings in over 6000 people to the town. Troys Chamber of Commerce oversees that one-day event.
Most of Troys businesses count on that week to get them though the winter. We would provide them with a few more busy days each year so the local businesses can thrive.
Thank you for taking the time to read this proposal. We hope you see the importance and the difference that your support could make for this community.
Mike Lidgett
President of the Troys Chamber of Commerce
Dear Future Sponsors
Troys Chamber of Commerce is at the beginning of a fundraiser to raise money to improve the lives of the citizens of Troy. By 2027 we hope to raise over $60,000 a year, and every year after, to fund senior citizen projects, High school Scholarships, Community improvements, Funding for Meals on wheels, and so much more. But we cannot do it without help from you.
I am in the middle writing a grant with the help of Kara Maplethorpe, Rural Development Manager, For the Heart of the Rockies Initiative. She informs me having Sponsors to donate money and letters of support, makes the Grant look more feasible to the Grantor.
I am sure by this time you are asking yourself, “What would I be Sponsoring,” Well I am glad you asked.
Rockin in Roosevelt Park is a Summertime Concert Series that will begin in 2025.The first year will consist of one big name band and some local bands to play during the summer. We also hope to produce Theatrical Plays, have the Bonner Ferry’s Orchestra play on stage and then throw unique events for the Community of Troy.
The City of Troy has approved that we can have a portable Stage at the park, and that we can store the stage in a shipping container that will be stored by the city’s workshop in the park. That cost for the stage and the shipping container is about $20,000. We are looking to get at least 20 Companies to Sponsor $1000 or more to show the Grantor, that Troy is committed that this concert series succeed. Sponsors will receive a Banner across the front wall of stage, Sponsor name on the backside of concert shirt, free tickets and a meet and greet with the Band.
The total goal is to raise $40,000. The Stage will cost $20,000 and $20,000 for Concert Series. Between the Grants and the Sponsorships, we can make this happen.
For more information on both the fundraiser and the project please visit the Troy Chamber of Commerce website https://troymtchamber.org/ on the Home Page

Kootenai Falls & Swinging Bridge
While you are here be sure to stop by and visit Kootenai falls. The largest undamned falls in the state of Montana.
Just downstream from Kootenai Falls, accessible from the same parking area and path, is the swinging bridge. Featured in the movie The River Wild, the swinging bridge crosses the Kootenai and connects to other hiking paths. Adventurous visitors cross the bridge to get better views of the falls. Kayakers cross to gain access to the SuperHole and other river access points.
Drop Us A Note
What Can We Do For You?
The Troy Chamber of Commerce works to develop a strong business community in Troy and the surrounding region. From providing help and guidance to local business to hosting events that draw new visitors and residents to the area, it is the goal of the Chamber to promote Troy business in whatever way possible. Please drop us a note and let us know how we can be of service.